4 Effective Steps That Will Usher You Out Of Negativity
Have you ever had this feeling of getting 'drained' in the presence of some people? Have you felt swarming thoughts overpowering you,...

This Secret Insight Could Impact You Forever!
Yesterday, I was going on a long drive, riding my red Royal Enfield Bullet. This place is not exactly popular for fabulous drivers. One...

Karma - You Could Repay It This Way Too
What you take, you would have to give. What you give, you would have to take. Ways of Karma are strange and intriguing too. I have a...

An Insight Most Needed For Your Growth
When we are aware, even little things teach us life changing insights. True as truth. One day, recently, I was sitting in my routine...

The Best Trick To Overcome Fear
Have you observed? The entire world today, runs on fear. Look at anything around you. It has come into existence probably because of...

Strangest Things Are Happening in 2018
While we are living our lives pretty typically, waking up, going to work, having food and chatting with friends, there seem to be...

Do We Really Have To Die? May be not!
All cultures in all civilisations in history agree on one thing. Death. But did you know that there are certain humans in history who are...

Can Humans Actually Help Ghosts?
Do spirits really communicate? Can humans actually help Ghosts? We had watched in films like The Sixth Sense that human beings are...

Ouija Boards - Can They Really Call Spirits?
You must have seen Ouija boards in a lot of films. Dim lighting... candles burning... eerie background music... people with curious and...

Are Ghosts Afraid Of Humans?
Funny question to ask. Isn't it like, our birth right to be afraid of ghosts? Why would spirits be frightened of us humans? What a stupid...